The Advocacy Committee will consist at a minimum of the Executive Director (Chair) and at least three other Board Members and/or members-at-large. The responsibilities of the Advocacy Committee will be to coordinate all advocacy activities for the association to include statewide and national issues including:
Reviewing relevant legislation and providing guidance to the NACTE Board on the impact to career and technical education;
Develop and carry out the plans for publicizing NACTE events for building a favorable public image;
Coordinate a promotional plan to publicize national CTE Month to legislators, media, educators, and the general public; and
Develop information material that can be used by divisions and members.
Want to Advocate for CTE?
This document lists legislators by the schools they represent.
This document is intended to keep Nevada CTE teachers up-to-date on legislative issues at the state level.
This document is intended to keep Nevada CTE teachers up-to-date on legislative issues at the federal level including, but not limited to, the Perkins Act and ESEA.
How to Testify Before a Committee (PDF)
Preparing Testimony (PDF)