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The Advocacy Committee will consist at a minimum of the Executive Director (Chair) and at least three other Board Members and/or members-at-large. The responsibilities of the Advocacy Committee will be to coordinate all advocacy activities for the association to include statewide and national issues including: 

  • Reviewing relevant legislation and providing guidance to the NACTE Board on the impact to career and technical education;

  • Develop and carry out the plans for publicizing NACTE events for building a favorable public image;

  • Coordinate a promotional plan to publicize national CTE Month to legislators, media, educators, and the general public; and

  • Develop information material that can be used by divisions and members.

Want to Advocate for CTE?

Nevada Legislators:

This document lists legislators by the schools they represent. 


State Legislative Updates:

This document is intended to keep Nevada CTE teachers up-to-date on legislative issues at the state level. 


Federal Legislative Updates:

This document is intended to keep Nevada CTE teachers up-to-date on legislative issues at the federal level including, but not limited to, the Perkins Act and ESEA. 


How to Testify Before a Committee (PDF)
Preparing Testimony (PDF)


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